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H7. Just the Universe and Everything In It
H3. Living Things
H2. Hairless Monkeys
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This house thinks man is the measure of all things
This house thinks nothing is more crucial for human happiness than X
This house would visit a human zoo
This house believes the world would be a better place if all humans were more alike
This house is more in awe of human evil than human goodness
This house believes the existence of human beings has done more harm than good
This house believes humans offer a better moral example than God
This house thinks there's danger in numbers
This house thinks the world would be a better place if we all looked the same
This house believes humans are God's chosen creatures
This house thinks everything humans need is abundant already
This house can imagine humans without possessions
This house believes human nature cannot be changed
This house thinks all evil is nurture and not nature
This house believes expecting things will get worse actually helps you make them better.
This house thinks depression is a reasonable response to the human condition
This house believes humans decide what's important
This house thinks man is the measure of all things
This house believes X is key to being happy
This house thinks nothing is more crucial for human happiness than X
This house would visit a human zoo
This house would visit a human zoo
This house believes the world would be a better place if all humans were more alike
This house believes the world would be a better place if all humans were more alike
This house is more surprised by how cruel people can be than how kind people can be
This house is more in awe of human evil than human goodness
This house believes the existence of human beings has done more harm than good
This house believes the existence of human beings has done more harm than good
This house believes humans offer a better moral example than God
This house believes humans offer a better moral example than God
This house thinks the more people there are, the more danger there is
This house thinks there's danger in numbers
This house thinks the world would be a better place if we all looked the same
This house thinks the world would be a better place if we all looked the same
This house believes humans are God's chosen creatures
This house believes humans are God's chosen creatures
This house believes we already have everything we need
This house thinks everything humans need is abundant already
This house can imagine humans without possessions
This house can imagine humans without possessions
This house thinks people can't change their basic nature
This house believes human nature cannot be changed
This house believes evil is learned, not something someone is born with
This house thinks all evil is nurture and not nature
This house believes expecting things will get worse helps you make them better.
This house believes expecting things will get worse actually helps you make them better.
This house thinks makes sense to feel sad when you look at life
This house thinks depression is a reasonable response to the human condition
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H2. The Best of Humanity
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H4. The Human Animal
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H3. The Worst of Humanity
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H1. Intrinsic Humanity