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L3. Inside Your Bubble
L1. Relationships
L3. Bffs
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This house would take a vow of silence for a year
This house loves to gossip and thinks you should too
This house thinks extroverts are too loud
This house would rather be shy than overfriendly
This house would rather shake hands than hug
This house would rather leave the party first than last
This house would rather be a lone wolf than a social butterfly
This house would sit on the friendship bench
This house thinks you can have too many friends
This house would tell their friend if their breath smells
This house thinks the elderly make the best friends
This house believes the greatest friendships are unlikely ones
This house thinks toddlers make the best friends
This house thinks imaginary friends are better than real ones
This house thinks real friendships take years not months
This house thinks online friendships aren't as good as in-person friendships
This house thinks you can't be friends with your family
This house thinks you can be best friends with your pet
This house thinks friends are the family you choose
This house would take a vow of silence for a year
This house would take a vow of silence for a year
This house loves to gossip and thinks you should too
This house loves to gossip and thinks you should too
This house believes the loudest voice wins too often
This house thinks extroverts are too loud
This house would rather be shy than overfriendly
This house would rather be shy than overfriendly
This house would rather shake hands than hug
This house would rather shake hands than hug
This house would rather leave the party first than last
This house would rather leave the party first than last
This house would rather do things alone than be the life of the party
This house would rather be a lone wolf than a social butterfly
This house would sit on the friendship bench
This house would sit on the friendship bench
This house thinks you can have too many friends
This house thinks you can have too many friends
This house would tell their friend if their breath smells
This house would tell their friend if their breath smells
This house thinks the elderly make the best friends
This house thinks the elderly make the best friends
This house believes the greatest friendships are unlikely ones
This house believes the greatest friendships are unlikely ones
This house thinks toddlers make the best friends
This house thinks toddlers make the best friends
This house thinks imaginary friends are better than real ones
This house thinks imaginary friends are better than real ones
This house thinks real friendships take years not months
This house thinks real friendships take years not months
This house thinks online friendships aren't as good as in-person friendships
This house thinks online friendships aren't as good as in-person friendships
This house thinks you can't be friends with your family
This house thinks you can't be friends with your family
This house thinks you can be best friends with your pet
This house thinks you can be best friends with your pet
This house thinks friends are the family you choose
This house thinks friends are the family you choose
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L4. Clashing Personalities
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L3. Socialising
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L1. What Is It?
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L2. What Makes a Good Friend?