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L5. How Humans Should Be
L2. The Scales of Justice
L3. The Courtroom
Choose a motion
This house hopes to be called for jury duty
This house would never trust a jury who hadn't slept on it
This house would rather represent the defence than the prosecution
This house thinks an AI would make a better judge than a human
This house thinks character witnesses are no sort of witness at all
This house thinks being a lawyer is immoral
This house hopes to be called for jury duty
This house hopes to be called for jury duty
This house would never trust a jury who hadn't slept on it
This house would never trust a jury who hadn't slept on it
This house would rather represent the defence than the prosecution
This house would rather represent the defence than the prosecution
This house thinks an AI would make a better judge than a human
This house thinks an AI would make a better judge than a human
This house thinks character witnesses (people who know a defendant and say that they have a good character) are just biased and should be ignored
This house thinks character witnesses are no sort of witness at all
This house thinks being a lawyer is immoral
This house thinks being a lawyer is immoral
Choose an ultra sub-subject
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