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L4. The Big Bad World
L2. Thriving
L6. Adventure
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This house admires daredevils and adrenaline seekers
This house thinks bungee jumping is a waste of time
This house sees no sense in sailing round the world solo
This house takes the road less travelled
This house would leave souvenirs in the gift shop
This house would rather see the bottom of the ocean than the top of Everest
This house thinks it's possible to have an adventure within 100 metres of home
This house would study abroad
This house would rather camp than stay in a hotel
This house thinks everyone should travel the world
This house would turn the map upside down
This house would like to travel by supersonic jet
This house would rather travel by train than plane
This house thinks airport security should dress as clowns
This house admires daredevils and adrenaline seekers
This house admires daredevils and adrenaline seekers
This house thinks bungee jumping is a waste of time
This house thinks bungee jumping is a waste of time
This house sees no sense in sailing around the world solo
This house sees no sense in sailing round the world solo
This house opts for the unconventional path
This house takes the road less travelled
This house would leave souvenirs in the gift shop
This house would leave souvenirs in the gift shop
This house would rather see the bottom of the ocean than the top of Everest
This house would rather see the bottom of the ocean than the top of Everest
This house thinks it's possible to have an adventure within 100 metres of home
This house thinks it's possible to have an adventure within 100 metres of home
This house would study abroad
This house would study abroad
This house would rather camp than stay in a hotel
This house would rather camp than stay in a hotel
This house thinks everyone should travel the world
This house thinks everyone should travel the world
This house thinks the South Pole should be at the top of the globe, not the bottom
This house would turn the map upside down
This house would like to travel by supersonic jet
This house would like to travel by supersonic jet
This house would rather travel by train than plane
This house would rather travel by train than plane
This house thinks airport security should dress as clowns
This house thinks airport security should dress as clowns
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L2. Experiences
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L3. Danger
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L1. Getting There