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L4. The Big Bad World
L1. Surviving
L6. The Spirit
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This house thinks it is worth praying even if your prayers are never answered
This house thinks religion should be considered a form of entertainment
This house thinks astrology is harmless fun
This house thinks the saints set a bad example
This house would be nun too pleased to take a religious oath
This house thinks more religious temples should have singing and dancing
This house applauds those who can change their beliefs to fit the time
This house believes in a historical Jesus
This house would worship Mother Nature
This house believes God is too judgemental
This house thinks Zeus should give up his throne
This house thinks when it comes to gods, the more the merrier
This house would get bored of heaven
This house regrets the transition from the Titans to the Olympian gods
This house thinks heaven is elitist
This house thinks heaven would be hell
This house thinks heaven is a place on earth
This house thinks that one day everyone will be atheists
This house would rather be reincarnated than go to heaven
This house believes atheists have less to fear than believers
This house thinks all atheists should be agnostics
This house thinks the Ten Commandments need updating
This house believes atheists should have a confirmation ceremony
This house thinks Eve is unfairly portrayed in the Bible
This house believes the bible is still a good book for atheists
This house thinks the King James Bible is the only version we need
This house thinks the bible is irrelevant
This house thinks it is worth praying even if your prayers are never answered
This house thinks it is worth praying even if your prayers are never answered
This house sees religion more like a show than a belief
This house thinks religion should be considered a form of entertainment
This house thinks astrology is harmless fun
This house thinks astrology is harmless fun
This house thinks St George was wrong to slay the dragon
This house thinks the saints set a bad example
This house would not want any of their friends to become a monk or a nun
This house would be nun too pleased to take a religious oath
This house thinks more religious temples should have singing and dancing
This house thinks more religious temples should have singing and dancing
This house thinks people who died to stick up for their religion were stupid, not brave
This house applauds those who can change their beliefs to fit the time
This house believes Jesus was a real person
This house believes in a historical Jesus
This house would worship Mother Nature
This house would worship Mother Nature
This house thinks being too critical isn't godly
This house believes God is too judgemental
This house thinks Zeus should give up his throne
This house thinks Zeus should give up his throne
This house prefers many gods to just one
This house thinks when it comes to gods, the more the merrier
This house would get bored of heaven
This house would get bored of heaven
This house thinks the Greek gods need updating for the modern-day
This house regrets the transition from the Titans to the Olympian gods
This house thinks an exclusive heaven isn't fair
This house thinks heaven is elitist
This house thinks heaven would be hell
This house thinks heaven would be hell
This house thinks heaven is a place on earth
This house thinks heaven is a place on earth
This house thinks that one day everyone will be atheists
This house thinks that one day everyone will be atheists
This house would rather be reincarnated than go to heaven
This house would rather be reincarnated than go to heaven
This house thinks non-believers have less to worry about
This house believes atheists have less to fear than believers
This house believes doubting is better than denying for non-believers
This house thinks all atheists should be agnostics
This house thinks the Ten Commandments need updating
This house thinks the Ten Commandments need updating
This house believes atheists should have a special ceremony to confirm what they believe, just like Christians can
This house believes atheists should have a confirmation ceremony
This house thinks Eve is unfairly portrayed in the Bible
This house thinks Eve is unfairly portrayed in the Bible
This house believes the bible is still a good book for atheists
This house believes the bible is still a good book for atheists
This house believes the Bible makes a great superhero tale
This house thinks the King James Bible is the only version we need
This house thinks the bible is irrelevant
This house thinks the bible is irrelevant
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L6. Religious Practices
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L5. God On Earth
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L4. Gods
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L2. Atheism
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L3. Heaven
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L1. Holy Books