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L5. How Humans Should Be
L5. Right and Wrong
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This house has a good excuse for eating the last cookie
This house thinks there is no excuse for excuses
This house would rather hear an apology than an excuse
This house believes toddlers know right from wrong
This house condemns those who go around pointing fingers at others
This house will never apologise
This house thinks ants are moral exemplars for the modern age
This house would rather be chaotic good than lawful neutral
This house thinks it's better to run away than stand your ground
This house has an excuse for everything
This house thinks it's selfish not to share
This house has a good excuse for eating the last cookie
This house thinks there is no excuse for excuses
This house would rather hear an apology than an excuse
This house believes toddlers know right from wrong
This house condemns those who go around pointing fingers at others
This house will never apologise
This house thinks ants are moral exemplars for the modern age
This house would rather be chaotic good than lawful neutral
This house thinks it's better to run away than stand your ground
This house has an excuse for everything
This house thinks it's selfish not to share
Choose a sub-subject
L1. Apologies and Excuses
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L2. Do the Right Thing!
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