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M2. Stuff That Entertains Us
M3. Arty Farty
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This house thinks great art takes great effort
This house thinks that being fake doesn't change how good a painting is
This house believes every picture tells a story
This house believes the old masters were the peak of art
This house thinks you can give art marks out of ten
This house thinks great art can be made by accident
This house thinks the creative process can't be planned
This house believes artists who don't get their hands dirty aren't real artists
This house thinks modern artists are con artists
This house thinks the stack of dirty dishes is a work of art
This house thinks good art is unique
This house believes all art should be anonymous at the point of first sale
This house thinks conceptual art is more con than art
This house thinks art is just another business
This house thinks art is a selfish pursuit
This house believes no art is complete without struggle
This house thinks great art takes great effort
This house thinks that being fake doesn't change how good a painting is
This house believes every picture tells a story
This house believes the old masters were the peak of art
This house thinks you can give art marks out of ten
This house thinks great art can be made by accident
This house thinks the creative process can't be planned
This house believes artists who don't get their hands dirty aren't real artists
This house thinks modern artists are con artists
This house thinks the stack of dirty dishes is a work of art
This house thinks good art is unique
This house believes all art should be anonymous at the point of first sale
This house thinks conceptual art is more con than art
This house thinks art is just another business
This house thinks art is a selfish pursuit
This house believes no art is complete without struggle
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M2. Making Art
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M1. Good Art
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M3. Contemporary Art
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