
By collecting the four stickers you need for this stage of debating, you'll be making a great start. Includes stickers for being a Proposer, Opposer, Fencer and Inquisitor.

This stage is about connecting your arguments to those of your opponents, including stickers for being a Builder, Rebutter, Compromiser, and Clarifier.

This stage is about choosing the words that will get the audience on your side, including stickers for being a Phrasemaker, Pronounist, Painter and Metaphorist.

This stage is about building arguments that are hard to knock down. Includes being an Exemplifier, Statistician, Reasoner and Citer.

This stage is about using the emotions of your audience to persuade them. Includes being a Scarer, a Hoper, A Rabblerouser and a Joyspreader.
Speaker of the House

TFor this final stage, you wll help lead your debating group as well as show your skills. Includes being a Researcher, a Coach, A Champion and a Host.
Warm-up act

This bonus stage is about getting yourself ready before the debating starts. It's great to hear something funny, informative, puzzling or inspiring. Being a Warm-up Act is a great way to build your confidence as a speaker. Includes being a Pollster, a Joker, a Didyouknowist and a Riddler.
Master of the Dark Arts

Mastering the Dark Arts means exposing when someone has used a debating technique that sounds good on first listen but is really trying to fool people. Collect a sticker when you spot one, or when you use it - and extra kudos if no one notices until you smugly confess!